Please use UK Met warnings in menu for warnings until the script for this page is updated
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 23/01/2025 23:00 - 24/01/2025 23:59 |
Gale warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds, veering westerly will reach gale force 8 or strong gale force 9 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 00:31
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 23/01/2025 23:00 - 24/01/2025 23:59 |
Gale warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds, veering westerly will reach gale force 8 or strong gale force 9 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 05:34
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 07:05
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 08:34
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 09:44
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 10:05
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 10:46
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 11:05
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 13:42
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 14:44
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 15:26
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 02:00 - 16:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southwest winds, veering westerly will reach Storm Force 10 on all Irish coastal waters and on the Irish Sea.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 15:26
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 15:35
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 16:01
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 16:17
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 16:23
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 16:28
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 22/01/2025 17:08
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 05:50
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 08:23
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Mizen Head to Malin Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 17:59 |
Storm warning for all coasts of Ireland and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach storm force 10 or violent storm force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 08:30
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Hook Head to Valentia (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Valentia and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 09:05
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Hook Head to Valentia (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Valentia and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 11:00
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Roche's Point to Rossan Point (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 14:00 - 18:59 |
Gale warning from Strangford Lough to Dungarvan to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea South of Isle of Man
Westerly winds will reach force 8 or 9.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 11:20
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Hook Head to Valentia (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Valentia and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 11:20
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Roche's Point to Rossan Point (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 14:00 - 18:59 |
Gale warning from Strangford Lough to Dungarvan to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea South of Isle of Man
Westerly winds will reach force 8 or 9.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 15:26
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Carnsore Point to Mizen Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 15:26
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Carnsore Point to Mizen Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 16:57
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Roche's Point to Rossan Point (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 14:00 - 18:59 |
Gale warning from Strangford Lough to Dungarvan to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea South of Isle of Man
Westerly winds will reach force 8 or 9.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 16:57
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Carnsore Point to Mizen Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 17:04
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Roche's Point to Rossan Point (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 14:00 - 18:59 |
Gale warning from Strangford Lough to Dungarvan to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea South of Isle of Man
Westerly winds will reach force 8 or 9.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 17:04
Gale from Carlingford Lough to Roche's Point to Rossan Point (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 14:00 - 18:59 |
Gale warning from Strangford Lough to Dungarvan to Rossan Point and on the Irish Sea South of Isle of Man
Westerly winds will reach force 8 or 9.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 23:33
Storm from Carlingford Lough to Carnsore Point to Mizen Head (IE803)Valid: 24/01/2025 00:00 - 13:59 |
Storm warning from Fair Head to Wicklow Head to Mizen Head and on the Irish Sea
Southeast winds veering west will reach force 10 or force 11.
Originator: n/a
Issued: 23/01/2025 23:33
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